Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thankful, oh so Thankful!

From Grandpa: 
"In the aftermath of Thanksgiving--what am I thankful for? My life, at least one more period; my assignment gives me opportunity to see the good in people and how they live and do many positive things for themselves, their families, and those around them.

"My Thanksgiving joke:  What did the turkey say to the grower?  Gobble Gobble Gooble...eeeeek!  

(Grandma's translation, for all who are scratching their heads, like Dandy the dog:  Mr. Turkey realized which line he was in...he had no more reason to gobble!) 

What is new in your life this season?"

From Grandma:  After a luscious meal on Thursday at our branch president's beautiful home, we celebrated with his children and grandchildren by flinging halves of potatoes and tangerines with a catapult-type sling over a hill toward balloons and beanbags set up to be our mark.  From the Book of Mormon, we learned who is the mark.   

 I love my young adult friends.  Watching each try their hand. 
 I am grateful as I see them pilot possibilities--this is gratifying, more so than slinging produce over a hill. 

Targets on our hills demand aim, steadiness.  We acknowledge parents of young ones who wrestle table restlessness.  Appreciating friends willing to take risks, to "keep working," and polish line by line.

Grateful for an author and finisher of our Faith.  

President Andersen invited branch council men to join the sisters in President Nelson's "finish by the end of the year" race in traversing through our copies of the Book of Mormon.  We are nearing and passing a half way mark, breathing in a father's advice for his young adult sons, coveting the "steady" part as we learn about harnessing (or bridling) our wishes (and passions) to become filled with love.

A passion for Grandma:  watching new friends connect, serve one another, and grow.  Martha Melendez, our favorite Tuesday cook opened up her home 
  to her sisters and friends
   in connecting boughs and bows.
We find it true--when two or three gather.  
       Joy attends gathering 
As we approach the expected season
prepared (or maybe less) so in our perch.

Grateful for bad and good hair days...Appreciating grandchildren whose sights and hair-dos point upward.  
Glad for goals to tutor, to connect, to lift others in their own language or another
(Thank you, Elders!  Appreciating your offering!)
 Understanding that intimate groups are key.
Sometimes, one on one, with a loving, all-powerful Creator.  
 Returning thanks for blessings we have received...appreciating hearing of abundance in your lives. 
Grateful to have circles of warmth and thankfulness surrounding us--inviting you in!  
A little California Sunshine 
and Love 
from Val and Laurene


  1. We are thankful for your good examples of faith and faithful service.

  2. This was a nice and uplifting letter. Thank you for sharing it!
