Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Miracles in the making

A Miracle for May: 
Our daughter Amber and her husband Jake have been on a rotating schedule between days, swing and night shift usually changing on an eight week basis.  An invitation for a firm day schedule has been offered and accepted gratefully.  A caveat has arisen with the question of one of their twins being challenged and slower in learning to walk.  The employer, hesitant to send families where medical attention might be insufficient, is holding the orders until her healthy progression is assured.  Sturdy shoes, braces, neurologist attention, including an MRI are on docket.  

Understanding the situation's gravity, the intense wish of this little family to have a daddy at home, on a schedule that allows daily interaction, we invited all of our friends, neighbors and even acquaintances with concerted effort, to pray.  "Please pray for our youngest granddaughter to walk!"  Our friends prayed.  And Monday last, Graciela fasted.  And that very Monday evening, the very day that our friend fasted, Leah walked! Prayers and fasting effect miracles.  Leah is progressing marvelously.  


  And we are celebrating!!

But further prayers are needed.  Not only must Leah walk--she requires approval from medical professionals to effect a move.  This is what we are praying for now.  Will you join us?  We are praying for whatever is necessary to happen for this little family to move to where they have been ordered.  We pray for His will to be done.  But we understand that the Lord hears prayers.  And we invite yours.