Recently, we have ponderedand painted doors.So, doors must matter!
Our neighbor, Bertie, told us to paint
the door of our heart
with the blood of the Lamb--
as Moses invited his people
to do in Egypt
by making choices
to invite the things
that do not lift and edify us
(the destroying angel)
to pass by,
or pass over
ourselves and our homes.
We are presently in process of painting
the "lintels" (or the trim) of our garage,
our front door,
and now the shed--
our current "high mountain"
where we value engineering
and knot-tying skills
which connect and secure us to
our highest objectives.Along with this, we love the(often blind) courage of a spouse,to reach, prepare and help to complete them.Sometimes doors fail to open and close as we wish,
(This is a photo of our east bedroom window shutters,barred closed to protect against the raging Labor Day winds)so we are learning patiencethat effectual doorsmight be opened.We are learning that the Lordand knocks.That He is the Keeper
of our most important gates.
And we join Himas we open doors for others.Some treasured doors have opened forour daughter Maria,
and her best friend, Jacob.
Last year, as we wished goodbye
to a friend,
Ashley Christensen
in our Fresno, California mission,
Sister Christensen exclaimed
she knew our Maria.
(“Maria is your daughter!? I love Maria!)I mentioned a challengeof not knowing an individualthat this daughter seemed to be interested in.“Jacob Peterson? I love Jacob Peterson!”Apparently, Ashley’s missionary preparationinstructor was Jacob—“Jacob knows so much
[about the gospel and more]
and he is kind!”
We finally met Jacob,over very hot soup at a restaurant,(Jacob likes spicy!)Then at family gatherings,we learned to playa favorite family game of Jacob’s,Queendomino.During a January journey to visit Amberin New Mexico,No decisions.
When Maria(or any other unnamed Starkey)makes up a mind, it is not to be rushed.Sunday home worship service,Maria waltzed throughthe front door,sat on the music chairand declared:“I am determinedto marry Jacob.”There it was!
Corona virus or no.
Prior to announcing this decision,
on the final Saturday
that the Bountiful temple was open,in March,
Maria secured an appointment and attended, receiving her “temple endowment,”which filled the necessary instruction requirement
to allow Maria and Jacobto enter in July to be sealed--a wish that others have desired and still await.“And that they may grow up...
and receive a fulness...
and be organized... and beprepared[!]...”Above is my happy reminder
of the blessings of beginnings.
Note from Val:"We, the parents of Maria,report with joythe comings and goingsaround Maria and Jacob's wedding:The preparations were good--lots of man hours.The temple sealing was very spiritual and lovely.The open air, masks-required receptionwas beautiful and enjoyable,
with way more peoplethan we ever imagined!Special thanks to so many who helped,
who traveled from far.
We know that many couldn't come
but sent their kindness andbest regards."at the bottom of Grandma's hillon Mutton Hollow
Only, this year, it was coupledwith fresh, candid creativity, carrying fabric banners, (Photo credit above: Thank you to
(Photo credits above: Thank you to
fabric lanterns
(discovered in a favorite weekend tradition of frequenting garage sales)
(Photo credit above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)
antique soda bottles
(and other "paraphernalia" Maria’s family members
have scratched heads about, over the years--
(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)
prove there is a time
to every purpose under heaven!)
We hope to express joy, gratitude and thanks
to friends, extended family,
sisters, brothers, children,grandchildren. All gathered (in masked marvel)in a peacefulsetting of tree-canopied outdoors.It was the bubbling brookthat attracted Maria’s niecesand nephews,glad for any reason to be together—but what can top a wedding?Like our bubbling brook,
we overflowwith ripples of appreciation--first, to a grandmotherwho in January, with her twin,marked a 91st year.Cherishedare morningswe toiled togetherside by side replanting lilies.Grateful we are,to Val's sister Marlenefor her tireless weedingand artistic handin creating landscape beauty;to his brother Paul and wife Gloria(sister Sherryl and her grandchildren)for mornings hauling and dumping mulchfrom truck to garden path.Thanks to Jacob'ssupportive family network,who lent houseand home, making signs,(Photo credit above: Thank you tocutting fabriccollecting heritage framesof marriages past and present,-- detailing the story of two unique,commendable children, growing up,chasing dreams and in the process,finding one another.(Photo credit above: Thank you toAs preliminaries were stirring,I bent my brother’s ear to ask,"If you were preparing to meetyour child's new in-laws-to-be,what questions would you ask?"His questions opened the doorfor delightful memories,shared over delicious fruit bowlsand Tammy's (Jacob's mother's) homemadecookies at a lovely bridal showerheld at dusk in her sister'sback yard, near another babbling brook.
One story of a boy growing up is a
revealing portrait of the young man our Mariachose to marry--Jacob has always loved rocks.
In his Puerto Rico kindergarten, Jacob noticed theywere NOT studying rocks."Why are we NOT studying rocks?"the five-year-old took his teacher aside to ask,"It is not in the curriculum,"she kindly replied."But Jacob, you can study rocks and teach us.Will you?"Jacob agreed.Four months later, after meetingweekly with the kindergarten teacher,Jacob was ready."How much time do you think you will need?"the teacher queried,thinking he would maybe want five minutes."Three days," was Jacob's answer.
Three days came and went.Jacob presented his prepared material,and as his presentation drew to an end,Jacob passed out an exam totest his classmates.
Both parents shared this story with a smile.Fast forward to another memory,
this time with a partner at his side.
a rock on her finger
was presented in the mountains
near a waterfall.
Later vows would be offered
between sacred granite walls.
Something there reminded us of a daynearly twenty-seven years earlier,as her parents exiteddoorways of a Logan, then later Seattle celebrate the arrival of Maria nearly a year later
amidst seven doting siblings.
Both Maria and Jacob's individual choicesin choosing trustworthy friends,drawing support from family and othersin paths of goodness,that pointed them toward promisesthey would makewithin stone-cut holy walls.The officiator, Brother Richard Adams,offered unrushed time,helping us each visualizethe magnitude and grandeur ofparticipating in a bondthat connects families(Photo credits above: Thank you tofor more than this life.
walled an altarwhere the couple kneltin a sacred covenant (or three-way promise)between Maria, Jacob, and their Heavenly Father,binding them to each otherand to futurechildren and generations.The experience was gratifying--exalting, joyful, blessed.
grandmothers,(Photo credit above: Thank you tocousins,(Photo credits above: Thank you tofriends, and familyin the welcome shadeof Grandma Starkey's back yard patio.
Brother Page Bennett performedthe ring ceremony,(Photo credit above: Thank you tocommending bothfor being "anxiously engaged"in good causes,declaring--"If you want something done,ask a busy person!"He invited the couple forwardto a new great cause--beginning a brand-newfamily--their own!
Special cautionwas exertedto honordistance guidelinesand sanitary suggestions.(Photo credit: Thank you toSiblingswith children, came fromas near as Grammy's houseto as far as traveling fromCalifornia,(Photo credit above: Thank you toothers from Arizona,(Photo credit above: Thank you toWashington State,(Photo credits above: Thank you toand New Mexico,(Photo credit above: Thank you tooffering greetings, well wishes,appreciation of flowers
(Photo credits above: Thank you toand for Maria's simple, unique decorations.Jacob’s family remained
after the Starkey vehiclesrumbled away,carrying yawning grandchildrenroad trip to Arizona,to honor our grandsonRiley'shigh school graduation.
After sending off Starkey grandchildren,we scoured Grandma's hollowfor a ribbon, or bottle, or strand of lightsto recollect and stow.But everything had been collected and stowed!Thanks to a family that "just DOES that."(Photo credits above: Thank you toMaria and Jacob finally landed
(Photo credit above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)
at their Kaysville Main Street cottage
following a respite picnicking and zip lining.
Jacob has now passedhis graduate record exam(they are both hoping to be outstanding in their field!)(Photo credit above: Thank you toand has begun working againwith a former geology professor
analyzing development of concrete.Maria continued"at home" engineeringfor Hill Air Force Base,until recently,where she has returned in person,newly assigned to manage a projectfrom which a fellow colleague just retired.We relish prospectsof a year of close connection with thembefore they seek furtheradventures elsewhere.Celebrating, this time in Manti,
with Maria’s cousin
Daniel in his response to a mission call
we ran across a descriptionadding detail to whymarriage is “ordained of God,”explaining that a change in...heart will comeas [you serve and] feel your faithin eternal families.It will change your feelingsabout what it meansto be a [family member.](Photo credits above: Thank you toThat change in your heartwill come as you feel your faith growand the promise of eternal life... becomes real to you.
“That happenedto Parley P. Prattwhen the Prophet Joseph Smithfirst taught him the doctrineof eternal families.(Photo credits above: Thank you toParley P. Pratt wrote:“It was at this timethat I received from himthe first idea of eternal familyorganization,and the eternal union of the sexesin those inexpressiblyendearing relationshipswhich none but the highly intellectual,the refined andpure in heart,(Photo credits above: Thank you toknow how to prize,and which are at the veryfoundation of everythingworthy to be called happiness…(Photo credits above: Thank you to“It was from himthat I learnedthat the wife of my bosom(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)might be secured to mefor time and all eternity;and that the refinedsympathies and affections(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)which endeared us to each otheremanated from thefountain of divine eternal love.(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)It was from him that I learnedthat we might cultivate these affections,and grow and increase in the same toall eternity...(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)“I had loved before,but I knew not why.But nowI loved—with a pureness—(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)an intensity of elevated, exalted feeling. …I felt that God was my heavenly Father indeed;Jesus was my brother, and(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)that the wife of my bosom(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)was an immortal, eternal companion;a kind ministering angel,(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)given to me as a comfort,(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)for ever and ever.”So, here is our blessing to the newlyweds:
We pray His hand will be over you for good.May eternity be your rock and your covering.(Photo credits above: Thank you to Flying Gull Photography)
May doors of education
add intelligence and light,(Photo credit above: Thank you tothat lead to (another) perfect day.Any questions?Grateful, we are, for that whichDuring our recent storm on Labor Day,90 plus miles per hour hurricane winds,we prayed for them (and for each of you)that your faith "fail not."May you continue to be showered(and shower others)with blessings small and largeas you gather, treasure,appreciate, and keep one another.(Grateful we are for momentswith grandchildrenthat we continue to treasure)(Photo credits above: Thank you toLet us cherish the gates and doorsthat offer liberty and good choices.As we ponder our partin protecting and preserving freedomsoffered by our Constitution,how we may best appreciatethe founding principlesthat encourage participation.We honor responsibilityin choosing “statesmen over politicians,”as I remember Grandpa Ivin L. Geesupplicating heaven over whole-grain cerealin his inimitable bass voiceat a tiny Lander, Wyomingkitchen table.
And as we pray for God to heal our land,and to quench our fires,may we challenge discordwith kindness, truth, and steadfastness.
Because future doors might be wrenched--like our French back doorwhich hung from a single hingeduring Labor Day’s fierce gusts--may each of us fasten our doors securelyto a solid frame.May we remember,
that God is not in the wind or the fire
but in the still small voice.
Love, Laurene and Val