Sunday, December 31, 2017

Celebrate 2017

Ring out the old, Ring in the new!
 We acknowledge best gifts of 2017: 
 Grateful to SEE
and FACE forward
with a remarkable circle
 of friends, 

                             of all seasons
 or styles
reaching up,  
 branching out,                 
   offering gifts, 

creative hands and

Working to walk 
and navigate

 together, agreed:
past, present, and future;
REJOICE in awaiting vision 
and hope in new horizons
to CHART a sure path 
GATHER chicks!
Greet our blessings in multiple! 

Cherishing promises of  "perpetual" "generations"

Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head
The stars in the heaven, looked down where He lay. 
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay. 

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay, close by me forever, and love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with thee there. 
Happy 2018!